Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring is very early on Sasserfrass Hill

We have had the warmest winter on record. Lots of warm days 80 degrees in February is scary. It makes me wonder what August will bring.???!! The bees are bringing in the pollen and nectar. My dogwoods, azaleas, Narcissus and Snowflakes are blooming and the tulips will be open in a few days. I bought $40 of bulbs last week and must get them in the ground. I have Dahlias, Gladiolus, and Jonquils to plant.

It has been very windy for the last few days, 15 to 25 mph winds are much to strong to open the hives. Other beekeepers have already pulled queen cells. I must check my hives but I have too wait until the weather is warm and not too windy.

I lost the pink and blue hives this winter. They both swarmed late in the season and were not able to build up their numbers before the cold set in. I put the empty hives into the freezer to kill and pest eggs that may be hiding inside. I hope to split a couple of my strong hives this spring. I will have a better idea after I get inside to check.

Rick and I went to the Georgia and South Carolina State Beekeepers meetings. We met lots of other beekeepers, bought supplies and listened to interesting speakers. Ted Dennard from Savannah Bee was my favorite. His business is making six figures every year. I hope to bee making money soon.??!!

I am off to the "Grow your Own" Fair at the Jewish Community Center. They will be selling chemical-free seedlings and experts to answer questions. I am sure to learn a lot.

I hope to buy plants the bees will like so they and we can have a delicious spring.

Talk to you soon.

Bee Well,
