201o was a very good year for Sasserfrass Hill Bee Farm.
We had a year full of new adventures and we had lots of learning experiences. We extracted bees from steeples, ceilings, underneath porches, in trees and inside walls. We were successful in removing and rescuing most of the colonies and they are thriving.
We went into the fall and winter with strong well fed hives. We hope they can weather these cold nights, windy days and snow storms. If they survive we will have a great spring. We have already started to feed our girls, to make sure they don't starve.
This year we spoke to girl scout troops, home schooled kids, garden clubs, schools and church groups, about the plight of the bees and what we can all do to help. One of Sasserfrass Hills main goals is to help educated the public. We hope to raise awareness of the problems facing the all pollinators, such as pests, pesticides, loss of habitat, lack of food. We can all help by planting flowers, shrubs and trees rich in nectar and pollens.
One of my photographs was chosen for the Bee Culture magazine 2011 Beekeeping Calendar.
My photo was selected for the month of May.....the caption - "The Perfect Pastel Bee Yard."
This is my second year to make their calendar. I am honored. (I have always wanted to be a calendar girl!!!!)
Mr Charlie is continuing to perform Bee Venom Therapy with many new bee-livers. Our first patient, Erika, is continuing her weekly therapy and is doing well.
We plan to add twenty more hives this spring. So, while it is cold outside . . . we are assembling frames, painting hives and ordering more bee hardware.
We plan to sell nuc's and catch lots of swarms this spring. . . We already have several nuc's sold.
We are grateful for all our good fortune this year... 2010 blessed us with honey, health and blessings too numerous to mention. We expect 2011 will be even more eventful and exciting.
We hope you all have a wonderful, prosperous and healthy New Year!
Bee Well,
Ms. Deb